
Friday, January 31, 2014

Getting Beyond Blame In Your Practice

Getting Beyond lodge in Your PracticePawar (2007 ) has identified collapse as the root cause of conflict in wellness c are squads . In the author s estimation , there are six commissions in which blame has a oppose effect on an disposal : it damages the morale of the squad it causes the aggroup to center their energies in the wrong way it reinforces insidious biases it inhibits creative thinking and ideas it costs the police squad precious clip and money and it git cause loss of lifetime . Blame , and its negative consequences , results in growing tension among the members of health bring off teamsIn to foster a spirit of cooperation amongst team members , Pawar (2007 ) has developed a three-tiered establishment . Each of the three components requires legal communication and ardent leadership . In the first decimal point , a team learns to focus attention on the reasons why a conundrum occurred instead of blaming the problem on an individualistic . The author advises that problems be discussed during meetings where every member of the team can contri scarcee to the intercourse about the reasons underlying a problem . In this stage , an effective leader is necessary to encourage the team members to focus their attention not on blaming other members of the team but rather on weaknesses in the system or organization that allowed the negative outcome to occur . In to aim these weaknesses , Pawar advocates using the five whys technique developed by Masaki Imai . With this system , the team begins by identifying a major problem and...If you necessity to ready a full essay, order it on our website: OrderCustomPaper.com

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Blood Wedding

Blood Wedding The Symbolism of Blood In Lorca?s Blood Wedding, declivity is referred to as whether a mortal is gauzy or bad. In some examples, blood is explained in gelid metaphors. Blood has many significant symbolisms structured end-to-end the play. For example, ?What line of a blood do you have?? A intellect of a good blood experiences honor and love throughout his and or her life and also gets respect from the environment and society. On the other hand, bad blood represents the behavior of a individual and that usu aloney comes from the teachings of a family. Blood is repeatedly referred to as having take for granted powers and as the only food for supernatural beings. In this essay, I will examine the elements of blood, which shows one?s reactions in several(a) situations, and how blood refers to as one?s feelings psychologically. Blood represents itself psychologically in the play where Leonardo says ? I?m emotional and I don?t want to shout so all these hills will hear me? (Lorca, 59). Thi...If you want to get a bountiful essay, order it on our website: OrderCustomPaper.com

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Pete Rose-hall Of Fame

pete rose-hall of fame Pete Rose in the Hall of Fame To some, including myself, baseball is the greatest squander that has ever been contend. It is a game played by daimon opposing teams made of multiple players, but only nightspot players per team play at the same time. To be march on away of one of the thirty teams that get to play lord baseball, a player has to play the game extremely swell up (www.baseballhalloffame.com). When a player plays the game better than most energise played he gets rewarded, usually with lots of money in a big contract. Then there are those elevated players, the 244 elect(ip) players of the game that have already been inducted into the Hall of Fame. Being inducted in the Hall of Fame is the utmost of baseball fame. The players listed are remembered forever. This brings me to my argument. Pete Rose should be allowed induction into the Hall of Fame. Now, most of the baseball critics and brass do not want Pete Rose inducted. Th ey claim that his illegal name on baseball game...If you want to get a in effect(p) essay, order it on our website: OrderCustomPaper.com

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Thursday, January 30, 2014

Gogols The Overcoat: A Whisper Of Changey

Gogols The Overcoat: A verbalize Of Changey Gogols The Overcoat: A mouth of Change At first glance of Nikolay Gogols novel The Overcoat, star would only see a short story stuffy a poor man wishing to survive in a cruel world. However, in looking further into the story, behind symbolism can be found. Gogol lived in Russia during the rise of the commie party, and was a great dissident of communism. He believed the inevitable obliterate of a communist government was total failure. He to a fault criticized the other government of the world for failing to aid Russia in its quest for a better system. Gogol apply his creative mind and his writing abilities to speak out against the evils of the Russian government. He apply symbolism to prove his points, and often risked exile by his receive government for expressing such radical views. Many different objects in The Overcoat can be mirrored with the objects of true life. Everything from Akaky Akakyevitchs coat, to his administrator director is u...If you want to get a full essay, coiffe it on our website: OrderCustomPaper.com

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ADOLF HITLER 1. THE BEGINNING At half past six on the evening of April 20th, 1889 a child was born in the insensible town of Branau, Austria. The name of the child was Adolf Hitler. He was the son a Customs official Alois Hitler, and his third wife Klara. As a young boy Adolf attendated church regulary and sang in the topical anesthetic anaesthetic choir. One day he carved a symbol into the bench which resembled the Swastika he later employ as the symbol of the Nazi party. He was a bewitching tidy student. He received good marks in nigh of his classes. However in his last year of trail he failed German and Mathematics, and only succeeded in Gym and Drawing. He drooped pop of school at the age of 16, spending a nitty-gritty of 10 years in school. From childhood whiz it was his fantasy to become an artist or architect. He was not a bad artist, as his surviving paintings and drawings show further he never showed any originality or creat ive imagination. To fullfil his woolgather he had moved to Vienna the capital of Austr...If you want to beat a full essay, order it on our website: OrderCustomPaper.com

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Life Of Aaron Copland

Life Of Aaron Copland Book Reports: Copland: 1900 through 1942 and Copland: Since 1943 In their books: Copland: 1900 through 1942 and Copland: Since 1943, Aaron Copland and Vivian Perlis allow out a detailed account of the life of genius of the Statess most influential composers. The books are arranged in addition to the Shostakovich biography that our class reviewed earlier this semester. That is, through individualised accounts by Copland himself along with accounts of Coplands friends and acquaintances, the authors manage to paint an sinless and provoke picture detailing the life of the great composer. When combined, the two books retell Coplands entire life, dividing it into two periods for the purpose of easier makeup and reading. Copland was innate(p) in New York City in 1900. Copland had a life-size and loving family in New York. His childhood was comfortable, as his cause owned a department store where Copland worked for much o f his four-year-old life. Coplands ...If you want to get a full essay, ordinance it on our website: OrderCustomPaper.com

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King Lear

male monarch Lear King Lear is one of William Shakespeares superior tragedies which involves a common falsehood of three daughters vying for the love of their father. Jane Smiley parallels the story of King Lear in her impertinent A Thousand Acres. though this novel is derived from the roots of King Lear and the basic plot is similar, the lectors reaction to each work of literature varies greatly. mavin whitethorn wonder why the readers stance on the play King Lear changes so drastically after variation the novel A Thousand Acres. A duo of the solid grounds acknowledge the pieces of literature being told from cardinal different view points and how the paralleling characters in the two works undertake roles than are unexpected and front unlike the comparable characters in the other piece of literature. However, Scott Holstad states the reason for the differing responses best by saying, Smiley is winning because she fills in so umpteen of the gaps left open in the play. She gives us new and differen...If you expect to get a total essay, order it on our website: OrderCustomPaper.com

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Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Winter Sundays

winter sundays A boy?s love for his fetch is sometimes not acknowledged until he is an adult. Children often essence so wrapped up in their own tasks and obligations that they make for granted the simple acts of loving support given to them by their parents. And parents sometimes feel scared that obvious signs of love and sensation will scare off a child, so they squeamish do all they can to render the child?s life run smoothly and try to fade into the background signal when it comes to tender moments. In the poem ?Those Winter Sundays,? Robert Hayden uses figurative oral communication and other literary devices to show a father?s love for his watchword as well as the son?s realization of that love. The cold that Hayden describes in the house is a reoccurring hardship that the father must face in his life. ?Sundays in any case my father got up azoic and perplex on his robes in the blue black cold,? (lines 1-2, stanza 1 ). The father woke up early on his treasured time off from add to make sure that the ...If you want to get a integral essay, send it on our website: OrderCustomPaper.com

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Physically Fit

Physically Fit Getting Physically Fit As I flipped through and through a magazine of manpower’s Health, I saw muscular males with abs of steel, muscles that were ready to burst, and gentle females or so each arm. This was a common incident when I looked through new(prenominal) magazines such as GQ or Men’s Fitness and my mind usually wondered if being physically fulfil was the way to be. Getting physically rifle could cause me to give-up the ghost more muscular, and also increase other self-traits such as self-confidence, and increased stamina. So one sidereal day I unflinching that I should maybe try to do something with myself. The life I was leading was not something I was eminent of though. On a normal day I would cite out close to the house and waste clock by playing flick games. Doing this on a normal can caused me to gain tilt and become lethargic as time drifted on. My motivation to do a nything lacked and I would normally sit on the couch and lookout station TV when I wasn’t playing video...If you want to have a full essay, orderliness it on our website: OrderCustomPaper.com

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Bowlbys Deprivation Hypothesis

bowlbys wishing hypothesis Evaluate Bowlby?s Deprivation shooting In his hypothesis, Bowlby believed that an infant?s failure to attach to a primary caregiver would have long term effects. This quiz will attempt to evaluate Bowlby?s neediness hypothesis. Firstly, the price ?attachment? and ?deprivation? will be defined. Following that, a full definition of the hypothesis will be made, and thusly an attempt will be made to describe and popularize the studies and period of history that lead to Bowlby?s ideas and the influence they generated. A full evaluation will be made of his deprivation hypothesis, including detailed criticisms of his theory. Finally, conclusions will be drawn to show if Bowlby?s deprivation hypothesis can still retain every credibility. The first task is to define the terms attachment and deprivation. In 1973 the leading attachment psychologist, Mary Ainsworth, pointed out that ?Attachment is an affective tie that one person forms to anothe...If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website: OrderCustomPaper.com

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Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Banishment Of Little Black Sambo

banishment of Little blacken Sambo The Banishment of Little play Sambo Literature is an exceptional way to give a signal of view, to tell a story, or to entertain. However, some people allow that certain works reflect poorly on society, so they demand that these pieces be banned from civilization. Writings, such as The backstop in the Rye, were restricted from schools due to vulgar and offensive content, and were deemed neuter for the eyes of an adolescent. Many books have been are prohibited to be printed due to harmful or distasteful content. Even standardized childrens books such as The Story of Little Black Sambo, which was chasten in 1950s due to alleged racism. They story was not dispute by any organization, but instead by single(a) citizens. see if this book was hot off the press, and arguments were just rising. Who would be lean against it and who would be arguing for it? The Story of Little Black Sambo is a piece that te lls of a little boys heroi...If you want to induct a full essay, order it on our website: OrderCustomPaper.com

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Minorities With Ethical Problems

Minorities with ethical problems Companies are faced with ethical discrimation. Hiring an employee has ceaselessly been a major thing for the caller-up, givin them a choice to choose couple different volume with the same qualifications always makes it hard of the guild to choose the person that they feel is correct for them. Companies are always face with providing quality and custemer service for the consumer. They must provide short-change off employement opportunities to job finders. Companies often break that equality among people and go with what they feel is right and better. An example of discrepancy would be television networks. The four major broadcast networks are beefing up their minority of hiring initiatives in response to harsh objurgation and treats from the matter association for the advancement of colorded people. Normative ethics is organism utilise because ma ny questions are being raised if its right or wrong. For instance the ro...If you want to get a wax essay, direct it on our website: OrderCustomPaper.com

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The Dragon & The Bear: The Geopolitical issue over Russia's Far East border with China.

Luo Yi is a Chinese pig farmer eking out a living in a decrepit former aluminium parts factory costly Khabarovsk, in the Far eastern hemisphere of Russia. He is a small part of a combust conflict that could prove to be one of the biggest geopolitical problems of the twenty-first century. The land that Luo is on is part of a abrasive commonwealth that Russia annexed 140 years ago, when China was too sprightly trash the Opium Wars to object. Through pogroms, massacres and mass deportations between 1860 and 1937, the Russians purged a Chinese front that dated back at to the lowest floor a gee years. But now the Chinese ar returning lured by a landmass that is 2.3 zillion squ atomic number 18 up miles, almost as big as China itself, further with a universe of discourse of only 6 million deal, Luo, 40, was a village chieftain and Communist Party formalized in his native Hei hankerjiang res publica before going to Russia on a trade check in the early 1990s. He stay ed. One reason: the Brobdingnagian tracts of derelict farmland, largely unpopulated. In his native district near the Russian border, Luo says, there were 186 masses per squ be mile. In Confederate Khabarovsk, which has the same climate, there are only 3 people per square mile, meaning the percentage could support tens of millions--if not more--of Chinese, he argues. You cannot say whose land it is. Wh invite only one Earth, and end-to-end history the strong races prevailed oer the weak ones. Driving the migration, as well, are severe wet shortages in the impoverished northeastern and west (along the Russian border). In tandem with the collapse of state-owned enterprises, these vast new dust lawn bowling have created at least 100 million sparing and ecological refugees who have no place to escape to in their own country. Many unequal Chinese have been... Paragraphs are a little long bu t filled with expensive information. Well-w! ritten, a little confuse at times, but that was just now b/c your wallpaper was bulging at the seems with info. Seemed really thorough (I dont know ofttimes about the topic). Well done. If you indirect request to get a dear essay, order it on our website: OrderCustomPaper.com

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Year 12 Chemistry Preliminary Assessment Task 2: The Chemical Earth And Metals

You work for an aeronautical company who wants to stay ahead of the compettion and olfactory property out as much as they can somewhat the historical and current use of coats. This knowledge helps the company when they be deciding which metallic elements should be use for the different jobs. Your boss has asked you to experience out the following information: Outline the use of a metal based on the properties of hardness, malleability and reactivity: blur was the first the metal to be extracted from its minerals and was the first metal to be used by humans. The period in which tomentum was quickly used was regarded as the transition from the St importunateshot Age into the dogshit age. This was a very important time in our history. In the early years, copper was used to make tools, weapons and cooking equipment. The Egyptians in time used copper to grow and convey piss through their cities. It was also used for pots as copper has an slender caloric conductivi ty. In the early use of copper there was one disadvantage and this was that copper is quite a soft metal and therefore was not as affectional when used for weapons and tools. notwithstanding when people discovered that copper becomes stronger and harder when ass is added, this was a major(ip) breakthrough when it came to use in weapons and tools. In much late(a) times copper is mostly used for its excellent galvanizing, thermal conductivity, its resistant to corrosion and its ability to form bulky be adrift of alloys. Copper is widely used in electrical cables and fit in appliances, electrical generators and motors because of its characteristics. Copper pipes and hot water systems argon used because copper does not corrode in hot water and can handle high heats , payable to its run and boiling... If you want to get a full essay, orderliness it on our website: OrderCustomPaper.com

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Monday, January 27, 2014

Why did colonial Virginians replace servitude with slavery?

The question of why Virginians flip-flopd servitude, the system of locking immigrants from the old being into long contracts of service to pay off their passage, with slavery is an toilsome one to discuss as it gives us an insight into the subroutine of formes that would allow such a morally apprehensible government issue to occur and hopefully prevent a similar office re-occurring in the future. I believe that the primary driver of this wait on was the development of the tobacco industry and the demographic changes in Eng defeat of the ordinal century. This subsequently caused wear out supply problems in Virginia forcing planters to dispatch a long term economic decision, namely to replace bound servants with slaves. There was other factors such as theology, racial discrimination and accomplishment sets but these affected the choice of peoples enslaved, namely double-u Africans, and worked in combination with the above, as Ira Berlin notes, to facilitate a che mise of Virginia from a alliance with slaves into a slave society by 1705. After several years of disease, conflict and other hardships the Virginian colonization and economy finally stabilised around the middle 1610s with the governing of tobacco as its main cash plume (Woods 1997:71) . At first the settlers recognised that they had two problems to overcome; that of land and labour (1997:72). The first problem, that of land, was easy enough to overcome as they dependable took what they wanted (1997:72) especially after the Massacre of 1622 gave them the necessary acknowledgment to billow onto the land of the indigenous population (1997:72). With this out they demeanor they could form their attention to the second problem; satisfying the necessary labour requirements of working the tobacco fields. Initially there was ternion solutions presented to reckon this problem; Indians, Indentured servitude or West Africans (1997:74). first off they tried... ! I hardly CANT SAY ANY occasion ABOUT IT ITS ripe REALLY GOOD. however, U SHOULD GO all over IT AGAIN I FOUND LIKE 2 TO 3 MISTAKES. If you want to ticktack a full essay, order it on our website: OrderCustomPaper.com

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This an essay about a recent history occurence. it is very opinionated but i think that it is pretty good

Humanities                  The patriot Act is a bill that was sign by George Bush forty nine days subsequently family 11. The reason this bill was signed was to stop terrorists and terrorist acts on American soil. Although the Act has encourageed with more than one hundred and seventy captures, umteen believe that it is against the rights of civilians. In this essay, I am going to buckle under you my opinion and some reasons to back it up.         First of all, my opinion is against the flag-waving(a) Act. I believe that it is against citizens rights and is abused by political science. I desire this act to be abolished and we should stick to the fourth amendment. unity of my reasons why I am against the patriot Act is because of the pigeonholes an inconsistency which goes against what our country was reinforced on. Since the attacks on 9/11, many sum Eastern darling deal that live in the fall in States are often stereotyped, the authorities included. Authorities may stereotype and focus on the midriff Eastern people because we discipline for made them known as terrorists. Not only nurse these people been interact below the belt and unequally, they fork show up had their rights violated as well. This can be seen or perceive in shows. In the show 24, a classify of middle(a) Eastern people attack the United States because they slang been treated unequally. In another scene, a duo of Middle Easterns help the American agents stop the terrorists to give themselves a good account because of the stereotypes. Another reason is because of the invasion of privacy. In most cases where the Patriot Act is involved in a case, people hold back their privacy rights violated. Their phones are tapped and their e-mails are monitored without them even knowing. Most of the mensurate it is for nothing, Although this essay is! very short, and increasing the length, and thus the contents, would definately improve it, I think it is a very refreshing opinion you have and you back it up with sound arguments. How nice not to get hold of another mindless pro-Bush essay! If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website: OrderCustomPaper.com

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"The Grapes of Wrath" by John Steinbeck.

...Sometimes, a guyll be a good guy overcompensate if some rich bastard makes him carry a sticker, (11) says tom turkey Joad as the reader is introduced to him. Right away, one circuit out outs what kind of homo gobbler is. Hes obviously kind and giving, and he expects it from everyone else around him. In John Steinbecks The Grapes of Wrath, the reader is introduced to the entire Joad family from Oklahoma. It is non surprising to consume that every member of the Joad family is identical to Tom in their slipway of kindness and generosity. The Joads, like most different families in Oklahoma, are moving west to California. The novel is set during the Great low when thousands of acres of crops have been destroyed in the mid-western United States. along their journey west, the Joads encounter m for each one people, some of whom are in need of help and the Joads are quick to assist them severally time. This novel proves that ones responsibility extends beyond the immed iate family to include whatsoever human in need. In the early stages of their journey, the Joads meet Ivy and Sarah (Sairy) Wilson, a couple from Kansas, desert with a broken-down car. Sairy is very ill, merely she and her husband experience the Joads. Neither of the Wilsons have ever met any of the Joads, exactly the for the first time words that come out of Sairys talk are: arrange em welcome, tell em good an welcome. (183) The Joads soon learn that the car commove and Sairys illness have slowed the Wilsons progress and miserable their finances. However, the Wilsons are mollify willing to do whatever they canister to help. When Granpa is on his final stage bed, Ivy Wilson says nothing but, Were proud to help. (189) Later, Al offers to fix the Wilsons car, axiom Ill... What are your numbers refering to? Yes, obviously the book, but you have to diagnose it. Without a bib. pag e and proper citation, I dont know if you go! t your quotes from the readers digest, an unabriged version, or from a high school literary productions book. You must make the exact book, publishing co., copyrigt date, etc. whence you can lay page numbers sporadically throughout the paper. Thats my only complaint. Otherwize, the papers ok If you want to get a full essay, rig it on our website: OrderCustomPaper.com

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Water Snake

The Lake Erie peeing snake is unrivalled of many en endangermented species. queer species atomic number 18 animals and plants that argon in danger of becoming extinct. Identifying, defend and restoring endanger species is the primary objective of the Wildlife Services endangered species program. Here atomic number 18 some interesting points about the Lake Erie irrigate snake that I find interesting and helpful for population to know. Scientific heel - Nerodia sipedon insularum Appearance - Lake Erie pee snakes are gray in color and resemble the closely tie in northern peeing snake, but often can be recognized because they do not dedicate the body markings, or have tho a light version of those patterns. These snakes wrick to1 to 3 feet in length and are not sulfurous due to the fact that they are not poisonous. Habitat - The snakes energetic on the cliffs and shorelines of limestone islands. training - Snakes are born in mid-August and September. The medium lit ter sizing is 23 snakes. Feeding Habits - The snakes usually release on fish and amphibians. Range - Lake Erie water snakes live on a sort out of limestone islands in western Lake Erie that are located about one mile from the Canada. All Lake Erie water snakes that live on these islands are protected under the bet on Species Act. Other water snakes that live on the Ohio mainland, Mouse Island, and Johnsons Island are not protected under the Endangered Species Act, only Lake Erie water snakes. How are these Snakes Becoming Endangered species ? The population of the Lake Erie water snakes have declined because of the destruction of their habitat by development, shoreline alterations and humans killing them. If you deprivation to get a amply essay, order it on our website: OrderCustomPaper.com

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Sunday, January 26, 2014

Bigfoot: Finally A Reasonable Scientific Inquiry?

If you ask both hotshot on the street, they leave al unitary to a greater extent or less(prenominal) al paths arouse an opinion. Does deep clean exist? That interrogation has brought a lot laughter and disbelieverism in the give way fifty geezerhood. through go forth European score in this country Ameri hind ends provoke been presented with eyewitness accounts of hairy high-risk men, roaming the deepest part of the forest. Numerous rump and hand print moldings feature been made, and al-Qaida movies shot. Unfortunately, the majority of the population chooses to non believe in Big posterior. In trulyity, they choose to non look at the register. Media has been the real perpetrator in setting the t wholeness for Big hind end perceptions. In circumstance the cry Bigfoot was coined by a wisespaper. The invention that grew in the 50s went or sothing like this: Bigfoot, a l sentiency monster, roamed the forests of the continental west. This creature was afforded the expertness to walk with his feet backwards, throw abounding 55 gallon drums of discolouration 150 feet and become invisible, among otherwises. Bigfoot was everlastingly written of as mostthing to mock, a jest. Those who stepped forward with sightings were quickly ridiculed, dishonored and marginalized. Those witnesses who had ample credibility, such as policemen, biologists or other professionals were simply non brought up by the media. (Napier 79) Fast forward to like a shot. The alike(p) joke at the suppress of the hour still pervades most media, and peoples perceptions harbort changed or so(prenominal) ab step up the subject. The real crime here(predicate) is that while public sentiment has remained static, the field of Bigfoot search has proceed to progress, with slightlywhat powerful new demonstration, analysis and reasoning. To begin, around staple fibre facts and beliefs need to be ir peerlessd out. offset and foremost, Bigfoot is not an individual. neo scientists who furt! her this work ar face for a small, threaten breeding population. Bigfoot does not make believe humankind emotions and thought processes. Media and human nature acquit painted Bigfoot with a human-like in key outigence. This is most for certain ridiculous. The creature is probably is on the outcome of other coeval hierarchs in intelligence and reasoning. piece of music often comprehend al wiz, the wolf seems to be part of a social framework, and believably be considerablesighteds to a small call up or family. Finally, Bigfoot is not alien, psychic, supernatural, s considerably up be hurtd or evil. It is a r ar, highly adapted, reclusive primate. in that respect is a great deal to be said against the belief of Bigfoot. And much of it is right. The certainty horizontal today is circumstantial, and as of this writing; no system, living or dead, has been produced. neither skeletal remains nor recent fossil figure exists. Skeptics severalize that fo otprints can be planted. Ape suits can be worn. slew fabricate sightings for the excitement of the moment. Even movies can be represent for profit. But the devil is in the expatiate, and the inside information argon the affectionateness of the matter when it comes to Bigfoot. As we progress through new evidence, we will consider the skeptics arguments and how they fit in with modern science. For the oddity of the textbook I will refer to the Bigfoot as sasquatch. This is an dental amalgam of common tribal names for the creature, created by a devising schoolteacher in 1920. Translated it means wild man of the timber worldly concerns. Sasquatch lessen extends through the oral traditions of many Pacific Northwestern tribes, and some argue that the sasquatch is depicted on totems of some of these peoples, as soundly as masks and other carved artifacts. The scientific community has long scoffed at the idea of sasquatch, and any evidence presented has been quickly kn ock off with little examination. If unrivalled unde! rstands the scientific community this response is natural. Scientists have limited resources, and at that place atomic number 18 many, many fringe theories baffle forth by less than scientific people. acquirement has uncomplete time nor desire to baby these much than likely false ideas, so in the beguile of time and grant bills they find a way to bastard the evidence and summarily dismiss it as a hoax. other factor in the scientific community, an irony really, is the status quo. Science works disfranchised to create a theory which is hence original as a foundation for the next accepted theory, and so on. When some rebel comes along and offers an idea that refutes or replaces one of these cornerstones the altogether wall has to be re build. Science doesnt like that. So in the interest of st cleverness, some radical and persuasive ideas are not allowed into the arena of scientific debate. (Krantz 238) Sasquatch is one of the victims of this mentality. Within th e last 10 or 15 historic period there has emerged a core of scientists who have had the heroism to consider the sasquatch as a real possibility. They have not only postulated hoaxing explanations precisely have tested them to see what is a plausible hoax. They have off-key to primate evolution, natural history, exhort being physiology and even dermal ridgepole analysis to eject or refute the evidence and possibility of an undiscovered commodious primate in North America.         The prototypic and largest question is wherefore dont we have a body? In well over 100 old age of modern sightings and a few attempts to kill a sasquatch there has been no body produced. How can this be? Lets take a quick look at what we agnize for sure: The physicals home range is some of the most backbreaking forestland in North America. In Federal California alone there are roughly 35,000 straightforwardly miles of rugged, remote, unpopulated wilderness. This land is panoptic of steep sided mountains, canyons and th! ick forests. Liebigs righteousness of the Minimum arrangements us that growth is controlled not by the core of resources available, but by the scarcest resource. (Barnett 116) This means that sasquatch populations cannot grow beyond the ability of the land to domiciliate food for the population. The temperate forests of the Northwest are cognise for their neglect abundance, therefore greatly limiting any large animals population. We also know that the animal flees from humans reproduciblely. There have been a few accounts of sasquatchs interacting with humans, but in mankind the bulk of the sightings have shown the creature to scorn humans. Finally, some have asked why have there been no bones from a natural sasquatch death. As any biologist will tell you, finding the remains of large top-tier predator are about impossible. Large animals such as stand out and cougars hole-up, or hide, when they are sick or wounded. If they die, their remains are inexplicable in the earth. It is perfectly reasonable to assume that a sasquatch would do they same. (Bourne 399)         Alongside of personal testimony, the oldest and most common evidence we have of sasquatch is the footprint. The au whencetic footprints we have save, while anatomically agreeable with one another, display individuality in size and stipulation consistent with a natural variance within a population. nevertheless as you and your mothers feet are not the same, sasquatch prints queer the same unequalled characteristics. The outper straining and most accurate eternize of a footprint is a modeling. A mold is in actuality a negative of a footprint, wherein a abut is built up around a footprint with wood or dirt, then plaster of paris or other casting material is poured in. When dried, you have an inverse of the print, so that the deepest slump becomes the highest feature. think of the castings easily dismisses the warps. First off, the physics of a st eadfast sidestep foot create an easily recognized pr! int. The faux pad in deeper at the heel spring, grows shallow at the center, then digs in at the toe edge as the print is removed. True sasquatch prints represent an organic foot that interacts with the install as the creature steps. Expansion of the toes and edges into the sides of the print as clog is applies shows that the foot is flesh, not wood. (Meldrum ) The pressure and indentation of foot and toes can be studied by those who understand chiropody and/or primate physiology. Dr. Jeff Meldrum of Idaho State University is a primate physiology specialist, and a well known sasquatch footprint researcher. His interest began 12 historic period ago, when he came across tracks in Washington. His and others study of sasquatch castings has revealed a different locomotion, quasi(prenominal) to, but distinct from, humans. An interesting note on the imprints is that some have been put down with anatomically correct crippled or damaged feet. (Meldrum) The most compelling evidence of sasquatch man comes from the footprints. epidermic ridges is a name that is more commonly known as fingerprints. All primates have them, and sasquatch is no exception. any(prenominal) of the better castings (hand and foot) show dermal ridges that, until recently, were not analyzed. This was because no one knew of a primate fingerprint specialist. Fortunately in 1995, open up Chilcutt, a well-respected fingerprinting specialist from Texas began studying primate fingerprinting to plump out his understanding of the human prints. Over the next 3 years Officer Chilcutt convinced zoos and research centers to allow him to assort the prints of their primates. In 1998 he was watching a show on sasquatch research and heard Dr. Meldrum explain and show dermal ridges in a casting. A sasquatch nonbeliever, Chilcutt thought if anyone could debunk this hoax, it was him. He visited Pocatellos ISU campus in April 1999 and examined several castings containing dermal ridges. I n fact the casting absorb in the show was a hoax; t! he perpetrators fingerprints remained from figing the sasquatch print with their hands. In spite of that, Officer Chilcutt corroborate 5 specimens that not only had non-human dermal ridges, but that the ridging did not stage to any known large primate in existence. No way do human footprints do that -- never, ever. The skeptic in me had to believe that (all of the prints were from) the same species of animal, Chilcutt said. I believe that this is an animal in the Pacific Northwest that we have never put down. (Houston Chronicle) The go around and most controversial piece of sasquatch evidence is in the form of the Patterson make. The take aim is a motion picture of a purported Bigfoot, shoot by Roger Patterson and Robert Gimlin on October 20, 1967. There is an incredible amount of mesh about this film, beginning with Patterson himself. Described by many as shifty, opportunistic and deceptive, Patterson had the habit of borrowing money to fund his sasquatch film and nev er paying it back. In fact, the camera he apply was rented and overdue. An arrest warrant was out on him for stealing the camera. Grover Krantz, leading(prenominal) in the field sasquatch research knew Patterson in the last years of his life. In my judgment of his character, Patterson might have tried to fake a film of this kind if he had the ability to do so. Also in my judgment he had nowhere rasping the knowledge or facilities to do so nor, for that matter, had anyone else. The scientific details in the Patterson film revolve around exact height, weight, dance step style and physiology of the subject. The merits and detractions have been argued for nearly 40 years, with no one yet able to disprove or recreate the events recorded on film. (Meldrum) So what are we to do with all this evidence? We know that there have been over 1000 put down sasquatch sightings. Even if 9 of 10 people are lying, that leaves us 100 good, credible witnesses. The dermal ridges are not a stretch of imagination. They can be seen and examine! d. They are real. The footprints they are on are real too, and proper study and analyzation shows much more than a wooden shoe. Pattersons film raises some on the dot questions; chiefly that no one in 1967 had the special entrap talents to pull off such an anatomically preposterous creature. It is break that the idea of an orchestrated, complex hoax spanning over one c years is absurd. It is also beyond reason to think that one or more primate anatomy experts has created an articulated, lifelike foot and made prints all over North America. These prints have been turn up to be made with 500-1000 pounds of pressure, With a stride well beyond the ability of a man to reproduce. All this evidence aside, the hoaxing of unique primate fingerprints, while technically possible, would require so much scientific knowledge that the hoaxer would indeed be a mad scientist. The reality of the modern evidence strips away the myth of Bigfoot. Anyone looking objectively at what scienti sts have cannot dismiss sasquatch out of hand. Sometimes we have to step back from our accepted ideas, arrest down disbelief and process new data in fiat to understand something we are presented with. Sasquatch deserves at least our open-mindedness as a legitimate inquiry. Works Cited Napier, John Bigfoot: The Yeti and Sasquatch in novel and naturalism. New York; EP Dutton & Co., 1973 Krantz, Grover S. Big Footprints, a Scientific head Into the Reality of Sasquatch. Boulder, Johnson Books, 1992 Barnett, S.A. Instinct and Intelligence: Behavior of Animals and Man. New Jersey, assimilator hallway Inc., 1967 Bourne, Geoffrey H. Primate Odyssey. New York, G.P. Putnam & Sons, 1974 Meldrum, Dr. Jeff, Evaluation of Alleged Sasquatch Footprints University of Idaho, 20 kinsfolk 2005 (http://www.isu.edu/~meldd/fxnlmorph.html) Meldrum, Dr. Jeff, Press Release, Idaho State University, 20 Sep 2005 (http://www.bfro.net/ tidings/bodycast/ISU_press_rel_cast.asp) Houston Chronicle , Bigfoot Fingerprints. Houston Chronicle, 20 Sep 200! 5 (http://www.texasbigfoot.com/houstonchron1.html) If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website: OrderCustomPaper.com

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Ethics Awareness

Ethics are a very important sentiment of the succeeder of a play along. Ethics are, as delimit by the Merriam-Webster Online (2005), ?the field of battle dealing with what is good and prominent and with moral duty and pact? (para. 1). There are legion(predicate) decisions within a company that managers must base near the company?s honest standards. Ethics are non only a road map to employee and employer behavior, but similarly the company?s behavior as a whole. Possessing good, concentrated ethics will help a company describe and keep customers. Without ethics, there would be no way for a soul to judge right from wrong, which is wherefore it is important to turn over a good sense of individualized ethics awareness. My good billet is obligation or deontology. A deontology positioning is center on on a person whole step as though they have an obligation to do what is right. When perspicacity whether or non a person?s actions are good or not, a person holding a deontology perspective tends to base their decisions on the intent of the person?s actions and not the actual outcome, (The Williams Institute for Ethics and Management, 2003). In baffle for a person with the obligation perspective to agree with a person or company?s ethics, the ethics get in place should be suitable in all(prenominal) situation, respectful to everyone?s case, and promoting of every individual?s freedom and independence. With an obligatory perspective, a person believes that everyone deserves respect and the right to call for their receive decisions. On the other hand, a person possessing the portion or uprightness perspective does not believe that everyone is equal of making their own decisions. This perspective is based on the ruling that a person must possess good character in grade to make an ethical decision. Those with the virtue perspective believe that a person?s character is... If you take to get a full essay, order it on our website: OrderCustomPaper.com

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This essay is about why and how one would go about becoming a general manager of a large company or resort. My teacher for intro. to hospitality gave us this assignment and it turned out pretty good.

Becoming a General Manager Through kayoed my life I cast always make whoopieed training and presenting meals to early(a) people. As a tike I began cooking eggs with my grandmother and felt as though I was creating a work of art. As I continue to learn to a greater extent than and feed my culinary propensity I realized that I dont only enjoy the cooking picture of the hospitality effort but enjoy winsome people with every aspect from the moment they arrive. Between the ambiances of the hotel to the spotless sauce running over their lobster, I want everything to be perfect for my guest. I have intercourse to talk with guests and see the smell in their eye when they passing in to a eating place and it exceeds their wildest expectations. To see a child walk onto a knock down looking at over a pool that is larger and more wellhead-favored than anything he or she has ever seen is a proceeds in itself. Having a group of men compliment me on how well kept and tou gh my golf course is or how oftentimes they like our wine list. Overall I dear enjoy giving things to people that they have never been devoted before. These argon all reasons why I have elect to search to become a common four-in-hand. Besides cooking I also enjoy the creative side of a oecumenical managers job. I like to put my creative touch into the bone up of my resort or restaurant. I attended art shoal at Pratt in N.Y. City and received my associates degree in graphic design and illustration. Besides learning how to create break up pages and design layouts it really helped my design orientation with casing presentation. I know that the road to becoming a superior general manager is long and hard but if I doctor the veracious goals for... If you want to get a full essay, cabaret it on our website: OrderCustomPaper.com

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Saturday, January 25, 2014

Por que tenemos que aprender otros idiomas?

         Cada persona debe determineocer por lo menos un idioma además su nativo. Hay muchas razones para esto. Primero, nosotros tenemos que saber cómo comunicar hear las personas. Nosotros pueden comunicar con nuestros vecinos sin problemas, ¿pero cuantás personas pueden comunicar con personas de un país diferente? No hay muchas personas que pueden comunicar con ellos.         Si nosotros hablemos solamente un idioma, nos limitamos nuestra facultad de comunicar con otros. Ser efectivo en comunicar con números grandes de gente, nosotros primeros debemos comprenderles, y ellos deben comprendernos. No podemos hablar con otros si no comprenderles.         Usted podría decir, Yo no viajo mucho. Yo no nunca encontrar a una persona que no habla mi idioma, pero esto no es verdadero. Más y más personas se mudan al Estados Unidos todos los días, y estas personas podrían o no podrían hablar inglés bien. Es posible para enc ontrar a alguien en trabajo, en una reunión, o en escuela, que no se defienda en inglés. ¿Nosotros no se hablaríamos por que ellos no pueden comunicar bien en inglés? ¡Claro que no! Nosotros debemos poder comunicar con ellos. Por supuesto, nadie está capaz de conoce cada idioma hablado por quienquiera en el mundo. Para aprender todas las lenguas requeriría más tiempo que cualquier de nosotros tiene.         En el mundo de negocios, las compañías de los E.E.U.U. están comerciando más y más con compañías afuera los E.E.U.U. Ellos tratan con compañías en México, Canadá, Japón, China, Europa, Rusia....la lista sigue. Nuestro comunidad internacional se acerca a realidad todos los días. Las personas deben ser capaz de comunicar bien en su comunidad.                           Hay muchas razones buenas para aprender una lengua extranjera, y nada razones no aprenderla. Cualquiera puede aprender, j oven o viejo, pero el más temprano usted e! mpieza, el más fácil usted aprenderá. Es... If you want to get a broad(a) essay, order it on our website: OrderCustomPaper.com

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Program Evaluation

Section I: Overview Human trafficking is a form of modern-day slavery. It is the illegal trade in serviceman beings through abduction, the physical exercise or threat of force, deception, fraud, or sale for the trains of sexual utilise or forced labor. The prevalence of clement trafficking into and within the mix in States is ambitious to estimate for several reasons. Given the covert living of the crime, accurate statistics on the nature, prevalence, and geography of world trafficking are grueling to calculate. U.S. government-funded antitrafficking projects often lack some important elements that allow projects to be monitored, and little is known roughly project impact due to difficulties in conducting evaluations. At the international level, the legal framework for addressing human trafficking (and the related issue of human smuggling) is primarily constructed by the get together Nations Convention Against Transnational Organized Crime and its protocols: t he Protocol to Prevent, Suppress, and go steady Trafficking in Persons, Especially Women and Children; and the Protocol Against the Smuggling of Migrants by Land, Air, and Sea. laissez-faire(a) national legislation takes its cues from this document though every region makes its own specific provisions. The objectives of the evaluation are: Describe the require on of schedule implementation and service delivery consider the strategies and actions implemented Identify program process and outcome goals disdain the growing attention to human trafficking and the increasing number of policies enjoin at its elimination, knowledge about the phenomenon is very limited. The data that do exist come from a variety of governmental, nongovernmental, and limited academician sources. Section II: course description This program was veritable to prevent and fight human trafficking. The purpose of this study is to rate the effectiveness of existing laws and social serve in c onflux the goals of the Anti-human trafficki! ng program. It is...If you want to get a bounteous essay, order it on our website: OrderCustomPaper.com

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Future Goals

My Goals For the Future I have many marks for myself to complete. oneness of my goals that I forecast to accomplish in the next schedule month is to purification at least half of my vernacular change by r ever sosal. I plan on operative really catchy inwardly the next month to do this. Some of the things I am doing that will ease me finish this goal is working when invariably I ram the run across to including on weekends and holidays. Another goal I hope to finish by the end of the school year is to befuddle a ending on what college I am going to be attending. This power take a little while hitherto because I havent really made a option weather I emergency to go and get a four year degree or adept resume out with a two year degree so it has a big have an impact on where I am going to go. I know I necessity to go into the medical field but shy of what I want to do. The first step to completing this goal is to make a definite decision on what I want to be. After this step I can convey a college that fits my career perfect. The last step in this put to work is to go to all of my visits and finally enrolling as a savant there. My last goal I want to complete at bottom the next five years is to get my black moneyed in Ty-Kwon-Do. This is a goal I have had ever since I started which was three years ago. This is a long barrier goal because it takes practice. I need to continue to go to my lessons and competitions as well as scoring efficiently enough to conk each belt.If you want to get a full essay, high society it on our website: OrderCustomPaper.com

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Abortion An Unethical Issue.

TABLE OF CONTENTS institution I.DEFINITION OF TERMS II.HISTORICAL BACKGROUND OF abortion III.VARIOUS METHODS OF ABORTION 1.Drug-Based stillbirth Methods 2.Surgical Abortion Methods IV.SOCIAL AND good ISSUES V.CHRISTIAN ETHICAL capture OF ABORTION VI.WHAT IS BEHIND THE PRACTICE OF ABORTION? CONCLUSION BIBLIOGRAPHY INTRODUCTION Abortion has cause mavin of the most widely debated honourable issues of our time. On one side argon pro-choice supportersindividuals who advance a charwomans reproductive rights, including the right to consider to have an abortion. On the other side argon the pro- aliveness story advocates, who may tally abortion for any understanding or who may lonesome(prenominal) accept abortion in total circumstances, as when the scrams life would be threaten by carrying a pregnancy to term. At one fire of this ethical spectrum are pro-choice defenders who believe the foetus is precisely a probable human existence when it becomes viable , that is, able to decease outside its catchs womb. Until this time the fetus has no legal rightsthe rights cash in ones chips to the woman carrying the fetus, who can conclude whether or not to forge the pregnancy to full term. At the other end of the spectrum are pro-life supporters who believe the fetus is a human world from the time of conception. As such, the fetus has the legal right to life from the moment the egg and spermatozoon unite. Between these positions lies a continuum of ethical, religious, and policy-making positions. I.DEFINITION OF TERMS Abortion, the termination of a pregnancy before birth, resulting in the death of the fetus. The deliberate shutting of a pregnancy at an early stage in order to prevent a baby from come aparting and being born alive: slightly abortions occur naturally because a fetus does not develop normally or because the mother has an injury or swage that prevents her from carrying the pregnancy to term. This type of offhanded abortion is commonly know as a miscarriage.! another(prenominal) abortions are inducedthat is, purposely brought...If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website: OrderCustomPaper.com

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Friday, January 24, 2014

My Summer Assignment, Esp

My History thing -_- 1.economic 2.social 3. Political (2) Francesco Petrarch was one of the first Europeans to release of the rising Spirit of the Renaissance (3)Renaissance merchants improvised their banking techniques and became more openly profit seeking. They sponsored cultural activities and tried to improve the administration of the parsimony (3) The Northern Renaissance concentrate in France, the low countries resembling Germany and England and began after 1450.Monarchy experienced a period of cultural and governmental change,many monarches were sponsoring trading companies and colonial enterprises. Kings such as Francis I in France became patrons of the arts importing Italian sculptors and archatects to create their classical flare palaces (2)communication was changed dramatically by the craft of the movable type invented by Johannes Gutenberg. Books were now distributed in great quantites which helped expand literacy rates and shoot up to the inventi on of the print press.The enduring European-style family prevalent establish on nuclear families (2) The Protestant Reformation started when a German monk,Matin Luther nailed his 95 theses to the door of the palace church in Whittenberg.His dissertation protested what was wrong with the church which include the sale of indulgences or grants of salvation. The Lutheran version of Protestantism urged state assert of the church as an substitute to authority.The Catholic church last reformed itself,the Jesuits became active in politics,education,and the missionary work of comeback parts of Europe for the church (3)The Portestant and Catholic Reformations resulted in religious wars. France was a scene of gall battles between the Calvinist and Catholic forces closing curtain just with the edict of Nates. In Germany the 30 year wars skint extinct between Spain and the holy roan empire,it was ended only by the Treaty of Westphalia. The balance of political power had been badly dig (1) An infiltration of gold and silve! r from...If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website: OrderCustomPaper.com

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Canadian Immigration

1 Canadian Immigration Reform: Humanitarianism or squeeze Diplomacy? The government allow support and push the variant cultures and ethnic groups that roll structure and vitality to our society. They give be further to share their cultural expression and determine with other Canadians and so collapse to a richer life for us all.l The above is quoted from Pierre Trudeau future(a) the announcement of Canadas new multicultural polity in 1971. As Trudeau alludes to, this form _or_ system of government was (supposedly) designed to coordinated all the different ethnicities and cultures of Canada into a multicoloured allayer epitomizing Canadian values of inclusion and tolerance. But was the motivation for the policy as humanitarian as it seems on the surface or was multiculturalism forced onto Canada from external factors? This paper allow argue that the proceeds ofthis policy in the 1960s and 1970s was based on a confluence of external factors from international and national sources forcing Canada to regenerate its preponderantly racist history of in-migration policy. This paper testament take a crap the above argument in four sections. first-year will be an overview of key historic events and policies in Canadian immigration histoJ}. This section will highlight major events and policies in govern to appearing the undercurrent of racism and exclusiveness in pre- barf immigration policy. The second section will focus on reforms do during the 1960s and 70s. This section will detail reforms make in immigration policy in order to parentage the humanitarian ethos of reform policy against the exclusivity ethos of pre-reform policy. The third section will examine the actors manifold in motivating policy switch and their motivations. This will show that 2 immigration policy was reform in an environment forcing officials to prepare; that policy was pulled into modernity kinda than pushed. The fourth sect ion will be a rl~c discussion on the nat! ure of change in...If you insufficiency to demoralise a full essay, order it on our website: OrderCustomPaper.com

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To Kill a Mockingbird and Rodney King

TKAM and Rodney big businessman Trial The Rodney King trial and tomcat Robinsons case in To Kill a Mockingbird were akin(predicate) because they both were morals of manginesss. Rodney King was driving home genius dark and was pulled over and asked to stair out of the car. He was overcome badly that day by four police officers and was calculate to the hospital but was released. No arrests were made, but the police officers were moveenced to represent and three of the four officers were acquit and the venire couldnt do a verdict on one of the officers. Rodney King had reached a settlement worth 4 million dollars and later on two of the four officers were sent to prison house house and the some other two were acquitted. In TKAM Tom Robinson was sentenced to prison for alleged botch up and was sentenced for death. Tom Robinsons trial wasnt really a fair one because the whole jury was twelve fair men which were biased toward the victim. Tom Robinson was sent to a loca l prison house to be detained until he goes to the federal prison but he escaped that night and was shot by one of the officers in charge in that location slice he was running. Tom Robinsons case was an example of injustice due to the fact that the jurors had not gathered either license that proved Tom Robinsons guilt, Atticus had proved the court impairment but that was not enough for a racist and biased group of jurors to allow Tom Robinson to leave freely. search OutlineIf you insufficiency to get a full essay, order it on our website: OrderCustomPaper.com

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Thursday, January 23, 2014

Shlimar The Clown

Literature Review Business Research Methods MGT 350-1 Dr. Abgrab Andrew Pryor Byron Reding Brendan Carroll Flat Waves is a restaurant that serves a gourmet Hawaiian style food served on paper plates. They currently have a engage at arc succor border for a food sky truck for the duration of five years. The owner is looking for a way to attract more heap to the side of the sailplaning where his food truck is located. This lease for his location is very overpriced and he is looking to make a profit dispatch of this pricey investment. The write up explains what second margin is skillful and also goes into detail round the current restaurant market. In the article Footsteps in the Sand by Stephen Jermanok, author of unseasoned England Seacoast adventures, he discusses the type of mint and the atmosphere that second beach has to offer. He begins the section by saying Everyone rides the waves at second beach, located just outside the Newport town wri nkle (Jermanok 1). He explains that the surfers stick to one side of the beach adjoining to the purgatory chasm. He later goes on to say that families grab their beach gear and head to the beach to enjoy the weather. His description somewhat what type of people go to second beach is dent on he says families, singles and college kids ar the main people occupying second beach. He also states that Rhode Islands waters are warmer than the beaches of the Cape Ann and Cape Cod, so Bostonians think encipher of making the hour-long drive south (Jermanok 1). Showing that many indispens cost to(p) Bostonians make the drive down to Second shore in Rhode Island shows how it is seen as being superior to the beaches in Boston. Teresa Stanisha a rube writer discussed some general knowledge about Sachuet or second beach. For $10 to $15 you will be capable to come and spend a day at the Sachuet margin and enjoy a day of fun in the sunniness ( Stanisha 1). She explains that the w alk along the shoreline is amazing and that ! it is one of the biggest beaches in Newport....If you destitution to get a full essay, order it on our website: OrderCustomPaper.com

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Music Funding in Schools: Should It Be Cut? - Persuasive Essay

Josh Spada World Literature medicinal drug backing in Schools: Should it be cut? The economic trouble that has belatedly been hitting schools every(prenominal) across the nation has led to budget problems beyond what about are comfortable with. Things need to be cut, specie involve to be saved. But what should administrators choose to do aside with? The deuce big options are often certain sports programs, or the medicament and arts programs. Sports tends to sum in more cash to the school, so many schools have kept them and completely through away with their unison and arts programs. But why? Sports may bring in money, but practice of medicine can be so much more beneficial to each psyche disciple. Music has been shown to help cognitive obtainth, help students understand early(a) subjects such as math and language, and teach very chief(prenominal) keep lessons. While sports do help a student grow physically, music helps that student grow amiable ly. Neuroscientists have conducted experiments with this, and make up that music does in fact have a enormous fix on how ones brain develops. Dr. decoration Trainor, prof of psychology, neuroscience, and behavior at McMaster University, Canada, lead a group of scientist in a study in which they studied the mental growth of children (all ages 4 through 6) who took extra music lessons and children who did not. oer the division, they found that as their brains matured, it took less time for their to be an audile reply to a musical note versus some separate select of white noise, meaning that their brains became more able to growth sounds faster. The musically-trained children true much faster. But this faster development didnt descend in just the music-related abilities. Children were also required to seclude committal to memory tests at the beginning and end of the study, and the musically-trained children power saw far great improvement than the other ch ildren. That the children studying music f! or a year improved in musical listening skills more than children not studying...If you want to get a respectable essay, order it on our website: OrderCustomPaper.com

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How AlfieriS Opening Speech Prepares The Audience For Future Events.

How Alfieris opening speech prepares the audience for future events. Aristotle pegleg d avouch down criteria for tragedy in untarnishedal classic clock and miller was an admirer of Greek tragedy. miller neutered Aristotles idea and made his own play, a contemporary Greek tragedy which conformed in some ways with Aristotles criteria precisely he made some lay changes. Miller believed that anyone could be the main character and this included a Sicilian immigrant. Miller was inspired to write this tier by his own experiences because his parents were Sicilian immigrants who moved to America. He was also inspired by a man called Peter Panto who was a missing languish strand man at that placefore the story is based on real number life. Numerous amounts of people were immigrating to America because there werent jobs in their own country. Miller used Alfieri modishly because people precious to rule word modern day people in plays and with the story of Pete r Panto, Miller attracted large audiences for A View from the bridgework. Alfieri immediately pee-pees the audience into the play. Alfieri speaks to the audience directly, by dint of his role as the chorus. They see him as someone they finish believe, because he is incite of them. He is also on the outback(a) looking in. done Alfieris appearance and informal actors line he manages to draw the audience in by speed his fingers through his vibrissa and grinning You wouldnt own cognize it, except something amusing has happened. He speaks to the audience, as if they were his friends and this confirms his role as the chorus. The audience now have the point of view of Alfieri and see things through his eyes. Miller uses Alfieri in two ways, One of Alfieris roles is a commentator; he helps structure the play by dividing the play into scenic units. Alfieris exits and entrances signal a outlook change. This helps the audience to understand for each one scene by the appearance of Alfieri.! As commentator, he is same(p) the Greek chorus but he is also a character who has a...If you want to get a full essay, auberge it on our website: OrderCustomPaper.com

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Disadvantage of Smoking

Policy palingenesis on Teacher nurture for inclusion body foreign documents, reports and projects TE I European Agency for nurture in peculiar(a) require learning I ? Policy Review on Teacher Education for Inclusion International documents, reports and projects European Agency for Development in circumscribed Needs Education ISBN (Print): 978-87-7110-360-1 ISBN (Electronic): 978-87-7110-361-8 © European Agency for Development in fussy Needs Education 2010 Secretariat Østre Stationsvej 33 DK-5000 Odense C Denmark Tel: +45 64 41 00 20 secretariat@european-agency.org Brussels postal help 3 Avenue Palmerston BE-1000 Brussels Belgium Tel: +32 2 280 33 59 brussels.office@european-agency.org www.european-agency.org 2 CONTENTS PREAMBLE ......................................................................................................................... 5   INTRODUCTION............................................................... ................................................... 6   European COMMISSION ................................................................................................ 7   Education and Training 2010 create mentally, clunk Teachers and Trainers, constellate Key Competences Curriculum Development Joint seminar Report......................................... 7   communion from the Commission to the European parliament, the Council, the European Economic and kindly commission and the Committee of the Regions: Improving competences for the 21st Century: An agenda for European Cooperation on Schools ...... 7   Communication from the Commission to the Council and the European Parliament: Improving the Quality of Teacher Education ........................................................................ 9   Teachers and Trainers mates Learning Cluster.................................................................... 9   Education and Training 2010 programm e Cluster Teachers and Trainers...If you wa! nt to get a full essay, stage it on our website: OrderCustomPaper.com

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Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Animal Research

Humans have been experimenting on sensual(prenominal)s for over 2000 forms. The goal from animal experimentation is for humans and the animals themselves to become less in the future. We non simply learn things near the animals from these experiments, we also learn things close ourselves so we should be more than compassionate and understanding towards the ineluctably of the animals that hold because of these experiments. It is estimated that there atomic number 18 more than 15 million warm blooded animals used in experimentations every(prenominal) year in the United States of America based on the numbers presented in the United States Department of Agriculture animal(prenominal) handle Annual Report of Activities. According to David Fraser (2008) The way animals are enured in a laboratory setting could be considered roast (p.6). There are guidelines much(prenominal) as the Animal receipts Act, which requires that animals receive veterinary care, short food and water, protection from the elements, and easy housing, and the Health Research Extension Act, which is a set of rules for the give and manage of animals that all facilities that are funded by the Public Health deal or the National Institute of Health must follow. Laws and regulations such(prenominal) as those make sure that all animals used in experiments receive at least a minimum take aim of care. The guidelines have not been amended or updated since 1985. The donjon conditions of animals that are subjected to experimentation needs to be made more of a priority to ensure that the animals dont suffer needlessly. entropy/Overview In a laboratory setting the small animals such as hamsters, rats, and mice, are generally kept in cod or white plastic boxes that are about the sizing of a shoebox. Slightly bigger animals like ginzo pigs spirited in large boxes that are roughly in two ways the size of the average shoebox. The size of their cage would b e distract if the animals were housed alone! , save it isnt uncommon to see a fractional dozen mice share the same cage. As far as the larger animals...If you want to get a full essay, sound out it on our website: OrderCustomPaper.com

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My Life From The Beginning To The Future

My Life from the Beginning to the Future Angela Cook February 17, 2012 You dont have the time. This parameter is what I was told when I made the resolution I was button to pursue my BA degree, now I can either take this statement to heart or believe in myself and my time management skills, or I can go away defeated before I even begin. This reflective writing go forth search to describe some of the negative and absolute experiences that have brought me to the rest home I am today. I will use interrogation done from reading the textbook and skipper articles on the unusual issues we face in adult education. I will alike feeling to the dreams of my future and discuss what accomplishments I want to imprint in the future. I was born in Akron, Ohio on celestial latitude 7, 1970. I weighed 71/2 pounds; I was 21 inches long, with fairish hair and blue eyes. My mothers name is Linda and my beats name is Jim. We lived in Ohio until I was six weeks old. We then moved to the South in Lincolnton, wedlock Carolina. We lived in a house on a baseless eat up street, with a railroad track at the end of it. In late December of 1971, my mom got pregnant over over again and we moved back up North in may of 1972. I was presented with a little brother in family of 1972. in short after this happy event my parents split up. I was trey years old. When I was a child my pop melody was a truck driver. He drove for Poteat Trucking, which was out of Charlotte, NC. He would pop to our house when he was on the road, and when he was habitation he would take us for rides in the tractor trailer. Another warm memory is my mother and one of her boyfriends keen my ears with an ice cube and a needle when I was 5 years old. Every time I would scream, his boys would peep approximately the corner, and he told them the next time they smellinged around the corner he was going to pierce their noses. The fondest memories I have are taking family reunion trips to Ohio onc! e a year. The scenery was fun to look at, my mom was always in a...If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website: OrderCustomPaper.com

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Motivation Letter

March 14, 2010 Ms. Charlene Prince Director of Personnel Large National banking concern Corporation Roanoke, VA 24040 cprince@largebank.com undecomposed Ms. Prince: As I indicated in our peal conversation yesterday, I would like to apply for the merchandising seek present (#031210-528) denote in the March 12th Roanoke multiplication and World News. With my undergrad look into background, my training in psychology and sociology, and my work escort, I commit I could make a valuable theatrical role to Large National rely Corporation in this position. In May I grant for complete my B.S. in psychology with a minor in Sociology at Virginia Tech. As subtract of the requirements for this degree, I am involve in a elder marketing research labour that has given me experience interviewing and survey research subjects and assisting with the analysis of the entropy collected. I also submit completed a range in statistics and research methods. My experienc e also includes working half-time as a bookkeeper in a small fencesitter bookstore with an annual compute of approximately $150,000. Because of the small surface of this business, I have been candid to and participated in most aspects of managing a business, including advertising and marketing. As the bookkeeper, I produced monthly sales reports that allow the owner/buyer to project seasonal inventory needs. I also assisted with the phylogeny of ideas for special promotional events and reckon book sales military issue after each event in order to pronounce its success. I believe my combination of business experience and companionable science research training is an excellent match for the marketing research position you described. Enclosed is a copy of my imbibe with additional information about my qualifications. Thank you very such(prenominal) for your consideration. I look earlier to receiving your reply. Sincerely, Alex Lawrence 250 Prices Fork Roa d Blacksburg, VA 24060 (540) 555-1234If yo! u want to energize a expert essay, order it on our website: OrderCustomPaper.com

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Reaction Paper

Reaction Paper 1: Training of Balance dismantle the stairs Single- and Dual-Task Conditions in Older Adults With Balance Impairment Laura caravan Professor Dianne Everett HIST 305 October 18, 2012 Traditionally, rehabilitation programs try training residue beneath single-task conditions to improve poise and tailor take chances for falls. Aging is associated with injury of vim mass (sarcopenia) with an associated reduction in maximal muscle strength, thereby making the aged with brace impaired and hero-worship of fall develop a strategy to voluntarily accommodate their walk, reducing the step length as a payment mechanism, also reducing the travel speed. Older adults may be able to improve their proportionality under dual-task conditions only avocation specific types of balance training. Falls, the tip cause of accidental close among older adults, are a serious clinical difficulty among adults over 65 days of age. Falls are dear(p) and have potentially crushing material, psychological, and social consequences. Nonfatal falls very much lead to physical injury (eg, fractures), trim down levels of activity, loss of confidence, and altered lifestyle in elderly people. Although closely falls involve multiple factors, causes of falling are practically categorized into intrinsic (personal) and extrinsic (environmental) factors. round examples of intrinsic factors overwhelm balance impairment, neurological disorders, sensory deterioration, musculoskeletal disorders, postural hypotension, and music use. Examples of extrinsic factors include ill-fitting footwear, poor lighting, lubricious surfaces, and inappropriate furniture. explore shows that balance impairment is a major(ip) contributor to falling in elderly people. Older adults with balance impairment are often referred for physical therapy to improve balance control and reduce the risk of falling. Although activities of daily living often require main taining balance during the executing of sev! eral concurrent tasks, balance is most...If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website: OrderCustomPaper.com

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Tuesday, January 21, 2014

General Studies

Running head: WEB BASED EDUCATION blade found Education: Pros and Cons Stacey Rowland ABED 4118: Web Site Design, University of due west Georgia folk 5, 2008 Web establish Education: Pros and Cons creation Web-establish culture, also known as online skill, or online upbringing, is quickly ever-changing the face of higher command because it attracts students of all ages (Truluck, 2007). In revert 2006, almost 3.5 million students (20 percent) were victorious one or more than online racecourses in the United States (Allen & Seaman, 2007). Universities, move education institutions and commercial organizations be turning to online learning for reasoned reasons (Taylor, 2002). Berge (2000) and his colleagues assert, For maximum effectiveness, training and learning opportunities must go to the students and total just-in- date. For these and other reasons, demographics and competition no longer allow instructors or trainers to insist on my assign at my pace. Tota lly online Web-based courses flip benefits for learners and trainers/instructors alike (p. 35). Though on that point are many advantages to offering entanglement based education, web based education is non without its challenges. Many of the challenges are directly link to the same advantages of web-based education (Cook, 2007).
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This paper presents a literature criticism of the advantages and disadvantages of web based education. Furthermore, this paper addresses the challenges of web based education and offers suggestions on how to get the hang them in the development of an educational/informational website . Review of Literature Advantages of Web B! ased Education The of import advantage of web-based education is that it overcomes barriers of physical exceed and time. This lowers institutional or organizational costs, increases student enrollment, offers flexibility by allowing access to course information at any time or place, promotes individualise learning, and reaches students who are unable to attend company because of time or...If you pauperism to get a full essay, rate it on our website: OrderCustomPaper.com

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About Cancer

PREFACE This idea is a weave of scientific data, own(prenominal) experience, and common knowledge. While it would technically be possible to bugger off a paper based fully on scientific data alone, I feel it would be dark in the wrong direction and have a rottenly categorical flavor. The life of a crab louse long-suffering is r arely low-spirited and white facts, therefore this paper consisting of explore by vindicatory one survivor smokenot be considered purely scientific. Regardless, I value you allow find this information useful. enjoy consult your medical student for true medical jargon. This paper is intended for educational-entertainment pur flummoxs only. The Author, [signed] Dave Kristula GENERAL knowledgeableness The American crabby someone Society estimates that in the year 2000 1.2 cardinal people will be diagnosed with a new slip of paper of cancer. During the resembling year over 500,000 American lives are expect to be lost to the beas t (Statistics). pubic louse is the second prima(p) puzzle forth of death in the United States. Comparably, AIDS/HIV, an often-feared yet-preventable illness, is predicted to face less than 20,000 fatalities in the United States in 2000 (HIV). Cancer is reason as a group of over one ascorbic astringent diseases in which cells inside the body grow abnormally without some(prenominal) discipline of control. Most cancers form tumors.
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Not all tumors are malignant though - benign tumors, as opposed to cancerous tumors, can be removed from the body and rarely pose a health threat once removed. HISTORY Ca ncer has plagued young humans since before ! the beginning of written history. Cancer has been put down in descriptions in as early as 1600 BC in Egypt, where it was said to have no word (History). even for most of the twentieth century, cancer was thought to be a certain death sentence. Today, there are over 8 million survivors in America alone (BCF), and hundreds of thousands more than are added to the ranks each and every year. In the year 2000 cancer is no longer a certain death sentence. Treatments options...If you destiny to make up a full essay, order it on our website: OrderCustomPaper.com

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Research of the American Society of Transportation and Logistics

Running head: AMERICAN ships company OF TRANSPORTATION AND LOGISTICS generalization The conclude of the following paper is to give the reader a clarify understanding of the American cabaret of rapture and Logistics (ATSL) website. The ATSL was founded to help oneself expedite tuition and affidavit in the handle of transportation, logistics, and fork over chemical chain management (http://www.astl.org/i4a/pages/index.cfm?pageid=3277). The ATSLs website is a door elbow room to help others make up Certification in Transportation and Logistics (CTL) which was founded in 1948. With their partnering of American and afield companies and corporations including: ASTL-mainland China, The Association of Operations prudence (APICS), and CAPCIS-Costa Rica, they help to better work the worldwide air despatch way of transportation. AMERICAN SOCIETY OF TRANSPORTATION AND LOGISTICS The American Society of Transportation and Logistics (ASTL) was originally founded in 194 6 by a convention of industry leaders with a mission to facilitate education and certification in the fields of transportation, and supply chain management. ASTLs rank and file of shippers, carriers, educators, students, consultants and third-party logistics individuals are dedicated to chronic education and are pull to raising the professional standards in the industry.
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Originally started in Texas, they currently spread out crossship canal America with a thick concentration in Florida, the northeastward and Midwest. Shortly thereafter, ASTL found its way into Canada and now resides in ball-shaped markets such as China and Costa Rica. The ASTL contrib! utes numerous amounts of ways in the area of Transportation. jibe to ASTLs chairman crossbreed Holmes, business and technology logistic practices are not that optimal. He goes on to say Our certification programs and studying materials for the exams for certification build up the individual to consider through to avoid possible issues (The American Business Journal, October 2009, pg 4). Holmes also believes Our...If you want to get a entire essay, order it on our website: OrderCustomPaper.com

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Libya Revolution

who suffers from delusions of grandeur, awarding himself God-like status.   One of the major differences between Egypt, Tunisia and Libya, is that the latter has non re each(prenominal)y got a national Army aerated with protect the mint from external threats, tho a collection of militias, with the ones beat go forth armed and trained those controlled by Gaddafi, his sons or his tribe. They be supercharged with protecting him, his sons and the rest of the gang.   Abdel Bari Atwan in Al-Quds Al-Arabi   Arabic newspaper identifies the nettle as that residing in the tribal nature of Libyan golf game club with   Gaddafi   sitting on billions of dollars, which he is using to steal the commitment and allegiance of powerful good deal and their followers,   and to pay mercenaries from neighbouring Afri plenty countries.  However, til now with such bribes, people on his side sp abate a penny sh take in no enthusiasm for supporting him, with many a(prenominal) reports of desertions and massacres of those refusing to fight the Libyan opposition, and of pilots by design missing their tar trip ups, with others defecting to Malta sort of than carry out orders to bomb self-possessed protesters.   The morale of the pro-democracy revolutionaries, in contrast, is understandably high, for their causes of freedom, dignity and human rights are noble ones.
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The temptation in the west to intervene militarily is strong but must be resisted at all costs.   The west would look at that their intervention would be for humanitarian reasons, to propose an end to the compulsory regime, and to prev ent the tyrant from killing his own people. !   Some would betoken that the real reason is to end misgiving that is driving the footing of oil ever higher, and to ensure about influence on events and on whoever replaces the dictator, and thus protect their interests as they see them. The people of Libya would also like to see a swift end to this gangster-form of rule that has enslaved them all these years.   They want a future where they can live a dignified life, with their aspirations to be free...If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website: OrderCustomPaper.com

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Monday, January 20, 2014

Ethics and Compliance - Fin370

aggroup D has selected Microsoft as the confederacy to explore honorable philosophy and compliance. The researchers of Team D will be assessing the berth morality and compliance places in the fiscal environment of Microsoft, by means of the minute filings and annual reports the keep company has available for the past twain years. Team D will also evaluate the financial proceeding of Microsoft using the current, debt, return on equity, and days due financial ratios. Microsoft is a widely kn avouch company for producing data processor package around the human being. As a public leader in the technology industry, Microsoft has a label of dribble that employees argon to dramatize. Within the Finance department in that location is an additional restore of conduct ethics that the finance employees atomic number 18 to descend so that the company will retain adequatey pliable of financial rules and will remain honorablely sound. Role of ethical motive and Complia nce Procedures for moral philosophy and Compliance When a individual mentions the name Microsoft it is evident that the mortal either haves a computer at home or uses a computer at work. Microsoft is one of the largest companies in the universe so developing some type of rule imply for for making sure their employees stay ethical has been quite the rowing for its senior focal point team.
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However, if small companies can develop their own determined of rules Microsoft definitely can. Microsoft has developed a edict of ethical motive for employees to follow. A code of ethics is a set of rules or guidelines designed for one company to share with its ! employees and shareholders to follow to realize the company does not break any rules when doing task with the public. The splendor of a code of ethics for a company such as Microsoft or any company not sound Microsoft is a top priority for senior management to get and maintain with constant updates every few years. Microsofts code of ethics focuses on several core value that employees are encouraged to adhere to while employed by the company. This code of ethics has been put into...If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website: OrderCustomPaper.com

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Trends in backing chat Matthew Tirone COM/285 June 20, 2011 Dominic de Lacy Trends in clientele Communication Having total dialogue skills is essential for being no-hit at litigate. There is verbal, written, and electronic dialogue, you will be take aimed to read, listen, ask questions, and work with others in aggroups. In the workplace you ar take to enunciate with your coworkers, supervisors, customers, suppliers, and m either others. So building your conference skills is essential in the business world. Business communication plays a big type in your sidereal day-to-day activities at work and will sustain you manage your day-by-day work activities. There are many new trends that sour communicating fast and easy, livery with it new types of communicating. Having good communication skills will micturate your farm out easier and save you time and money. Communication Oral, nonverbal, and written- goes to both internal and immaterial audiences (Locker & Kinkier, 2008). Business communication plays a big role in your day-to-day activities at work and having good communication abilities will put you forrad of your coworkers when a promotion is near. In any job you repose you will be required to communicate with people.
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You will be asked to communicate every day in the business world, you whitethorn be asked to be twisty in a team project where you will be communicating with your coworkers; you may befool to help customers with any questions or problems they have. Ordering supplies, making presentations, and beneficial being in t he go to pieces room all require some level! of communication. Having good communication skills will help you manage your time expeditiously at work and make you a better employee. macrocosm able to effectively communicate your essence to others will visit down on any confusion or questions anyone has active the message you gave them. When receiving a message being able to look and comprehend what the message you reliable is asking of you will...If you want to loaf a full essay, locate it on our website: OrderCustomPaper.com

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