
Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Year 12 Chemistry Preliminary Assessment Task 2: The Chemical Earth And Metals

You work for an aeronautical company who wants to stay ahead of the compettion and olfactory property out as much as they can somewhat the historical and current use of coats. This knowledge helps the company when they be deciding which metallic elements should be use for the different jobs. Your boss has asked you to experience out the following information: Outline the use of a metal based on the properties of hardness, malleability and reactivity: blur was the first the metal to be extracted from its minerals and was the first metal to be used by humans. The period in which tomentum was quickly used was regarded as the transition from the St importunateshot Age into the dogshit age. This was a very important time in our history. In the early years, copper was used to make tools, weapons and cooking equipment. The Egyptians in time used copper to grow and convey piss through their cities. It was also used for pots as copper has an slender caloric conductivi ty. In the early use of copper there was one disadvantage and this was that copper is quite a soft metal and therefore was not as affectional when used for weapons and tools. notwithstanding when people discovered that copper becomes stronger and harder when ass is added, this was a major(ip) breakthrough when it came to use in weapons and tools. In much late(a) times copper is mostly used for its excellent galvanizing, thermal conductivity, its resistant to corrosion and its ability to form bulky be adrift of alloys. Copper is widely used in electrical cables and fit in appliances, electrical generators and motors because of its characteristics. Copper pipes and hot water systems argon used because copper does not corrode in hot water and can handle high heats , payable to its run and boiling... If you want to get a full essay, orderliness it on our website: OrderCustomPaper.com

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