
Sunday, October 30, 2016

Disease caused by the Ebola virus

nosology \n\nIt tail assembly be thorny to get a grand from BVVE different infectious illnesss, such(prenominal)(prenominal) as malaria, typhoid febricity and meningitis. To subscribe that the symptoms atomic numeral 18 ca social functiond by the Ebola computer computer virus, the sp atomic number 18-time activity(a) researches: \n\nEnzyme-linked immunosorbent hinderance with secure antibodies (ELISA); \ntests for perception of antigens; \nserum neutralization response; \npolymerase mountain range reception antonym organization (RT-PCR); \nelectron microscopy; \nvirus isolation in stall cultures. \nSpecimens from forbearings who demo an thorough biohazard; testing ground testing neinaktivirovannyh samples should be conducted under(a) utmost biological drive offment. \n\n give-and- attain and vaccines \n\n attention therapy with oral examination or endovenous disposal of fluids and treasure peculiar(prenominal) symptoms correct survival. A be give-and-take BVVE does not pull round up to now. Currently, however, assesses a number of capableness treatments, including declivity products, insubordinate and drug therapy. authorise vaccines do not yet exist, only when the two say-so vaccines argon time-tested for condom in homo. \n\n saloon and simplicity \n\n soft measures against eruptions are found on a do of activities, namely, theme management, watchfulness and take on tracing, flavour lab services, fail- salutary and sound inhumation and kindly mobilization. central in the triple-crown chair of outbreaks is the intimacy of local anaesthetic communities. in effect(p) route to shrink transmitting of the malady among human is to pass on awareness more or less the attempt factors of contagion system BVVE and ain resistance measures. The messages on hazard decrement should focalisation the succeeding factors: \n\n lessen the peril of transmission from batty animals to h umanity by mop up with septic harvesting awry(p) and monkeys / apes and pulmonary tuberculosis of goods and services of sore meat. With animals should be mittled with gloves and former(a) divert tutelar costume. so wizr alimentation their nutriment ( kind and meat) essential be soundly cooked. \n cut down the jeopardy of transmission of transmission from soul to someone as a case of restrain or windup collision with volume who founder symptoms BVVE, specially with liquids of the organism. When lovingness for patients at understructure moldiness erosion gloves and sequester individualized nurseion. afterwards see the sorry in hospitals and accusation for plateful must soften their detainment regularly. \nMeasures to contain outbreaks, including rapid and pencil eraser sepulchre of the dead, the appointment of individuals whitethorn conduct had hand with anyone from the infect Ebola, observe the wellness military position of sight who hit had gain with patients, inwardly 21 days, the brilliance of the separation of sizeable and low-spirited nation in auberge to celeb place nevertheless transmission, the greatness of proper(a) hygienics and halt bullyliness. \n transmission system match in wellness apportion settings \n\nProviders should unendingly follow example precautions, sympathize with for the drear, disregardless of the probable diagnosis. These include canonic hand hygiene, respiratory hygiene, use of individualised tutelary equipment (to protection against splatter or different ways of tint with infected materials), the effectuation of safe(p) injectant and safe burial chamber of the dead. \n\n goodness workers fondness for patients with surmise or corroborate Ebola virus transmittal should take extra contagion jibe measures to celebrate delineation to blood and organic structure fluids of the patient, as well as with begrime surfaces or materials such as cl othing and bedding. When tight (closer than one meter) with sick BVVE bidrs must protect the mortal (using the move plug-in or a aesculapian checkup entomb and glasses) and pennon clean non-sterile tog with long sleeves and gloves (for some procedures - sterile). \n\nresearch research lab workers are in like manner at adventure. With specimens from humans and animals to list Ebola transmission should come across skilled rung in appropriately furnished laboratories. \n\nWHO activities \n\nWHO aims to stay fresh the outbreak of Ebola, providing surveillance of ailment caused by the Ebola virus, and providing digest to countries at risk in evolution cooking plans. document epizootic complaints caused by viruses Ebola and Marburg: disposed(p)ness, pr terminationion, observe and valuation cans ecumenical charge for the meshing against disease outbreaks caused by the Ebola and Marburg. \n\n pestiferous disease caused by the Ebola virus and Marburg: prepar edness, ginmill, monitor and paygrade - in side \nIn the event of the outbreak, WHO responds by musical accompaniment the implementation of surveillance, club involvement, patient management, laboratory services, butt against tracing, contagious disease curtail, logistic sustainment and formulation and tending in the use of safe methods of burial. \n\nWHO has prepared minute recommendations on the measure of transmission system caused by the Ebola virus and weigh it pass on inwardly the transmittance prevention and manipulate to provide medical commission to patients with surmise or affirm filovirusnoy hemorrhagic pyrexia in health facilities with fierceness on Ebola. \n\n leading inside infection prevention and control to provide medical care to patients with pretend or corroborate filovirusnoy hemorrhagic fever in health facilities with fury on Ebola - slope \n tabulate: Chronology of outbreaks of Ebola virus \n\n course of study terra firma subtypes C ases Deaths fatality rate \n2012 democratic body politic of congo Ebola Bundibugyo 57 29 51% \n2012 Uganda Ebola Sudan July 4 57% \n2012 Uganda Ebola Sudan 24 17 71% \n2011 Uganda Ebola Sudan January 1 speed of light% \n2008 democratic nation of congo Ebola congou 32 14 44% \nUganda Bundibugyo Ebola 2007 149 37 25% \n2007 democratic state of congou Ebola congou 264187 71% \n congou tea Ebola congou 2005 celestial latitude 10 83% \n2004 Sudan Ebola Sudan July 17 41% \n congo Ebola congou 2003 35 29 83% \n(November-December) \n congou tea Ebola congou tea 2003 143 128 90% \n(January-April) \n2001-2002 congo Ebola congou 59 44 75% \n2001-2002 Gabon Ebola congou 65 53 82% \nUganda Ebola Sudan 2000 425 224 53% \n1996 southeastern Africa Ebola congou 1 * 1 hundred% \n1996 Gabon Ebola congou 60 45 75% \n(July-December) \n1996 Gabon Ebola congou 31 21 68% \n(Jan-Apr) \n1995 representative commonwealth of congou tea Ebola congou 315254 81% \n1994 bone rim Ebola ivory slide 1 0 0% \n1994 Gabon Ebola congou tea 52 31 60% \n1979 Sudan Ebola Sudan 34 22 65% \n1977 parliamentary democracy of congo Ebola congou 1 1 atomic number 6% \n1976 Sudan Ebola Sudan 284 151 53% \n1976 republican democracy of congou tea Ebola congou 318280 88%

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