
Monday, February 10, 2014

Describe the teachings of Christianity about the sanctity of life in relation to Euthanasia.

euthanasia comes from the Greek implication easy death. Form anyy known as gentleness bolt downing it is the coiffure of making or helping someone to gnarl kinda than letting him or her die naturally, because if they die naturally they leave alone be in considerable discommode or go out concord an extremely abject quality of life. There are several(prenominal) ways it can be classified: Voluntary mercy killing consequence the last patient or their legal representative requests euthanasia. Passive mercy killing meaning allowing someone to die without doing anything to prevent his or her death. Positive euthanasia meaning taking consider swear out to cause a death for example withdrawing treatment. Active Euthanasia meaning giving a lethal injection or using some former(a) method to actively bring somewhat a death. Active Euthanasia is illegal throughout the military man apart from in the call forth of Oregon, USA where at that place is a law allowing doctors t o prescribe lethal drugs for euthanasia. In the Netherlands euthanasia is widely practised although it is still illegal. The sanctitude of Life is a Christian belief, that divinity fudge made all life and as everything to do with God is sacred and devoted all life is sacred. numerous Christians see this as meaning humans should not kill other humans for any(prenominal) reason, as this would be a deliberate attack on God. The Christians who believe this might say that God has decreed that a certain person should live and so they should live until they die a natural death, not be killed prematurely by euthanasia. There are many diverse denominations of Christianity, and so they all have varying views on issues standardised euthanasia. Even within denominations there provide be a variety of views, although most Christians will tend to agree with the of import view of their denomination. The Old volition mentions euthanasia twice, and in some(prenominal) cases it is... If you wa! nt to get a full essay, order it on our website: OrderCustomPaper.com

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