
Thursday, December 26, 2013

The Atlantic World

Name Date CHAPTER 4 Summary CHAPTERS IN instruct The Atlantic World, 14921800 CHAPTER OVERVIEW Starting in 1492, the Spanish built a large empire in the Americas, that the infixed peoples suffered. In north America, the Dutch, French, and English fought for control. Eng fine-tune ?nally won. The labor of enslaved persons brought from Africa supported the American colonies. The contact surrounded by the Old World and the New produced an switch of new ideas. 1 Spain Builds an American Empire KEY IDEA The voyages of Columbus prompted the Spanish to carve out the ?rst European colonies in the Americas. I n 1492, Christopher Columbus, an Italian sailor, guide a voyage on behalf of Spain. He sailed atomic number 74bound from Europe intending to reach Asia but instead come in the Americas. This was bring in that Europeans had not known existed before. Columbus legal opinion at ?rst that he had reached Asia, or the Indies. He misnamed the native s he met Indians and claimed the land for Spain. The king and queen agreed to let him lead other voyage. This virtuoso was an expedition to form colonies, or controlled lands, that Spain would rule. In 1500, a Portuguese look forr landed in Brazil and claimed that land for his country.
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In 1501, another Italian sailor on behalf of Spain, Amerigo Vespucci, explored the east shore of South America. He said that these lands were not Asia but a new world. Soon after, a mapmaker showed the lands as a give way continent. He named them America after Vespucci. other(a) voyages gave Europeans more knowledge astir(pred icate) the world. One explorer reached the w! est coast of exchange America and ?rst saw the Paci?c Ocean. Another, Ferdinand Magellan, led a blunt expedition from Spain that sailed completely around the world. Magellan himself died about halfway around. However, a few members of his crew survived. They returned to Spain after sailplaning for almost trine years. Spanish conquistadors, or conquerors, also began to explore the lands of the Americas. There they...If you lack to get a full essay, instal it on our website: OrderCustomPaper.com

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