
Saturday, September 28, 2013

Central nervous system (CNS) Perifial Nervous system (PNS)

The aflutter body contains of nerve cells and axons. Neurons argon responsible for receiving and transfer electrochemical signals. Axons atomic number 18 long fibers of the neuron that carryout efferent poise (messages). The neuron sends an electrical message from its body by musical mode of the axon. all(prenominal) neuron has an axon (Pinel, 2008). The peripheral restless system (PNS) and the important nervous system (CNS) are similar because they both rest of neurons and axons. The differences lie in the anatomy of the neurons and axons. The CNS has sets of neurons called nuclei (singular nucleus) and bundles of axons are called tr desexualise a motions. The PNS has sets of neurons called ganglia (singular ganglion) and sets of axons called nerves. another(prenominal) difference is the areas of the systems: The CNS consists of two divisions; the read/write head and spinal anaesthesia anaesthesia anesthesia corduroy. The PNS overly has two divisions; the somatic ne rvous system and the autonomic nervous system, which is found outside the skull and spine (Pinel, 2008). As stated, the central nervous system consists of the brain and spinal cord. The brain receives its input from the senses of the spinal cord and its own nerves (i.e. olfactory and optic nerves). Its applications are to fulfiling and initiating a proper labor response. The spinal cord sends sensory information to the brain.
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When message is received, the spinal cord hence sends motor information to other separate of the body (i.e. pinched and cardiac muscles, glands). Within the CNS are the glial cells, they act as insula tion for the neurons. There are three types;! astrocytes ( do overpower chemicals from blood to CNS neurons), oligodendrocytes (myelinate axons), and microglia (aid in responding to injury or illness ? part of immune system). Myelination is the process of producing myelin sheathes (coverings on axons, which help the effectiveness of the axonal transmission) (Pinel, If you essential to get a encompassing essay, order it on our website: OrderCustomPaper.com

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